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Jordan Krotke

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Jordan Ann Krotke

Birth: 1999-10-18
Days since birth: 9,279
I like  Kelsey as a friend.

May 12, 2007

My name is mother and I like that protective freezer lining on top of

the ice cream to keep it safe and tasty.  Hehe hoho haha.  I do not

know what else to say but this is the end.  atahh ckckckck.  The big

black bug bit the big black bear and the big black bear bled blue

blood.  <nowiki>[</nowiki>Blood.]  How could there be such a thing of blue blood?

May 9, 2010

Now I'm 10 years old.  I'm turning 11 in October.  I can't wait for

my next birthday and I'm really excited this summer to go see more

Cubs games.  I know this might sound weird, but I'm a girl that likes

baseball.  I play softball in North Manchester, Indiana.  My softball

number is 14.  I love movies.  May 18 I'm getting my new DSiXL.  A

DSiXL is way bigger than the regular DSi.  The bonus game I'm getting

is Pokémon Platinum but if I need any help I can ask Kelsey.
