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Josh Teeters

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Joshua Lee Teeters

Birth: 1984-08-11
Days since birth: 14,825

One of my best and oldest online buddies that I actually still keep in touch with, from back in #squareville! days.  If not for hard drive malfunctions I could probably give an exact date of meeting him through logs, but barring that I'm guessing 1998-ish?  I know it predated The Phantom Menace by a fair enough amount.

Father of Daelan Teeters.

In Viking circles, is known as Ráðvaldr (pronounced Rathvaldr).

[1], System 13

[2], Language Geek

Steam profile

[3] - Defunct, but I leave the link for now because it's funny that a Russian yacht blog stole the domain.

[4] - Defunct, but I leave the link for now because it's funny some Japanese guy took it after Josh abandoned it.