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A fountain of wisdom.


If it was up to Sony, the next gen would still be a few years off. But no, MS had to rush out the damn 360 and force the competition to do the same and Nintendo following like little penguins with outdated tech pretending a new controller will save gaming....

I dont think its even necessary for Sony as much as it is Nintendo to release a seccessor anytime soon, Ps2 is still outselling 360 in the US on a monthly basis by a good chunk, Europe we dont really know anything besides the fact that 360 is the best selling consols along with PSP so far in 2006, and lets not even talk about Japan and the 360's situation there.

Nintendo got thier asses handed to them by in US and EU by MS last gen., so they had to counter act the 360 sooner than later.

But damn it, Ps2 still has a good 2-3 years in it, ATLEAST. If it wasnt for stupid MS and Nintendo quickly following suit PS3 would be a good 2-3 years off, LIKE IT SHOULD BE.

What is up with these 4 year generations MS is trying to push onto us?

Lets not forget about precious Nintendo, who pretty much gave up on Gamecube sometime in 2004.

Sony on the other hand was still strongly supporting the PS2 and so were all the other third parties.

Thats why everyone should be thankful Sony is the home console market leader and no one else. Let's pray that NEVER changes, or it may just be the end of gaming as we know it.


(04-04-2006, 02:41 PM EST)