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My Cousin Vinny - TV Show

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Based on the 1992 comedy My Cousin Vinny.  IMDB

Initial suggestion: Not only does the Gambini family have a propensity for arguing.  They also have a knack for getting arrested while on vacation for crimes they didn't commit.  In My Cousin Vinny the TV show, Vinny must save another relative in every episode by traveling to locations around the world and learning to deal with the local customs, both within and without the court room.

Zach further sugggested: Why not make it like Quantum Leap, so he's also going through time?

I further suggest: Whereas Quantum Leap's Dr. Beckett could only hope to get home with each leap, Vinny can help make it happen.  Each person he defends is in some way instrumental to his returning home, or in a time travelly butterfly effecty way will have an influence on someone who does.  Keep enough of these people out of prison, and Vinny can come home.  The whole time travel aspect, though, does raise the question of whether his fiancé/wife can travel with him.