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Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 4

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Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 3

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


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424: Manos, the Hands of Fate + Hired!, Part 2 1993 January 30

Having recently (early 2011) watched this episode for the second time... well, my impressions are less "Greatest MST3K episode ever!" and more "Has any movie ever been so uneventful!?"  I mean, we're supposed to get the impression that these vacationers have had a hellish time, but other than the death of their pet dog (by not-clearly-supernatural forces), things don't seem so bad until the end.  They force a guy who says they're not welcome to allow them to stay with him.  Their kid wanders into a side room which contains the Master.  Car breaks down.  The wife is creeped out by Torgo.  Husband gets tied up.  When he gets free and they're reunited they decide to walk away... but then decide to turn around, because the last place the Master would expect them is at his house?  What?  And that's a feature length's worth of horror?  Barring the end, where we see how they were truly stupid for walking right back to where they were trying to escape from.


Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 5