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NeoGAF profile

On the hardcore vs casual argument;=242

Guy 1: what are you doing

Guy 2: watching TV

Guy 1: me to

Guy 1: what are you watching

Guy 2: football

Guy 1: Then you are not really watching TV in the same sense as I am watching TV. The program I am watching is narrative driven and has high production values whereas what you are doing is watching a game being televised which has no narrative and is not really TV but non-TV.

Guy 2: huh?

Guy 1: Next time, please don't use the term "watching TV" when you are in fact watching non- TV as it denigrates my TV watching. Also by watching non-TV you are responsible for the decrease in narrative driven, high production value shows being made. In addition I am going to classify myself as a "hardcore" TV viewer and therefore I am now better and cooler than you.

Do you really wanna be Guy 1?

(05-02-2008, 4:51 PM EDT)