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SSBM - Oubed Loubed

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May 3, 2006

This is a combination of happenstance, available reference material, and timing.  Rather than Shaun Crocker being his usual Koubed for the night, he was the mispelled oubed, which reminded me of Oompa Loompas.  I thought I might parody it for a line or two, but having the soundtrack around for reference and finding the songs shorter than I thought, I ended up going all the way before I knew it... which wouldn't have happened unless it was nearing fake 4 AM.  The song's contents are inspired by Kouban's recent acquisition of Super Smash Bros. Melee and frequent discussion about it.

Oubed loubed doobity ded

I've got a new puzzle for your head.

Oubed loubed doobity dup

Shut your big mouth and just listen up.

What do you get when you fight for trophies?

Collectibles and a blow to the knees.

Shooting that mascot off of the screen

How did this game get rated Teen?

Captain Falcon's humping me.

Oubed loubed doopity dun

If you play nicely you can have fun

Waiting for Super Smash Bros 3

Like the oubed loubed doopity dee

Doopity dee