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Sanctuary Season 3

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Sanctuary Season 2

SPOILERS TOTAL. You've been warned.


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317: Normandy [[]] [[]]

(First watched 2011-06-26)  Now this was a fun episode.  Total flashback, without even a framing story.  The Five have always been one of the more interesting things in the show, so it's nice to see them in World War II.  I didn't think Mr. Invisible Man aged slowly, though?  Which is why he wasn't still alive in the present?  But he would be really old here, without the use of something like Watson's anti-aging suit.  Must be wrong about that.

Will's apparent ancestor being involved is a bit cliché, but at least they don't make a big deal out of it.  I mean, no crazy "We'll remember you and your family!" or telling Will how important he was--the ones still around don't even seem to know.


318: Carentan [[]] [[]]

(First watched 2011-06-27)  Clever of them to set consecutive storiesin the same place 60+ years apart.  Interesting for the viewer, and cheaper for them to redres sets than do something completely different.

However, some of the time stuff was just bullshit; more than my normal level of disbelief suspension for this show.  Time dilation is a real thing, even if this is an exaggerated version of it.  And changing rate of dilation back to Earth normal does NOT mean going back in time.  That's like stopping a train and expecting to suddenly be back where the train started.

But let us say for a moment that that is the way it's supposed to work in this fictional context.  In that case: still bullshit.  A time eversal should not just mean that people born later would disappear, but that the state of things in the bubble would revert to where they were when the bubble began, or a few days after going by the Earth synch thing.  So new villagers: gone.  Old villagers: back.  Ravi, Will, and Magnus: not having spent months or years there, with memory appropriately reverted.

There's also the matter of light.  The people in the bubble lived by growing plants and solar power when the sun was up.  However, they wouldn't have enough light.  Just because a day of normal time is six years in the bubble doesn't mean they get six years of light from the sun--they'd get one day's worth of sunlight spread over six years.  It would be crazy dark in the bubble from the viewpoint of those in the bubble.

As-is, it's an incorrect use of a faulty premise.  Double bullshit.


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Sanctuary Season 4