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No-budget movie with silly deaths meanders about until eventually enough people are dead for the credits to roll.  Dig the Casio soundtrack, though.
No-budget movie with silly deaths meanders about until eventually enough people are dead for the credits to roll.  Dig the Casio soundtrack, though.
October 2, 2009
[ <nowiki><nowiki>[Rec]</nowiki></nowiki>]
Goes more for the cheap thrills than I prefer, but this horror flick has a great sense of nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
October 5, 2009
[ Primer]
Low-budget sci-fi done right, with a concept that doesn't require fancy effects or locations. &nbsp;A bit hard to follow, but it's not dealing with simple matters.
October 9, 2009
[ Visitants]
Still cheap and hokey like you'd expect from Rick Sloane, but this time the intentional laughs work pretty well, too.
October 30, 2009
[ Battlestar Galactica: The Plan]
Pretty damn good. &nbsp;Not a clip show like I feared, with 90+% of the footage being new. &nbsp;Doesn't stand alone from the series, but stands very well alongside it, presenting a different viewpoint.
November 13, 2009
[ Vanishing Point]
Everybody loves that a Mike Brady lookalike is leading the cops on a chase, but he just wants speed and speed.
December 18, 2009
[ Avatar]
The plot is nothing new and the parallels with Earth history are quite heavy-handed. &nbsp;This movie is really all about EPIC SPECTACLE OF ALIEN WORLD, though, and pulls that off pretty well.
January 11, 2010
[ Zombie Honeymoon]
Interesting idea, but doesn't quite click. &nbsp;Tries to be a bit silly, a bit serious, a bit romantic, but succeeds on none. &nbsp;Does do a bit of unsettling, though.
January 30, 2010
[ Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel]
Great fun and very internally consistent comedy about bathroom-based time travel.
February 27, 2010
[ Planet of the Apes (2001)]
A much more straightforward action-rebellion movie than the original. &nbsp;But may I say the makeup work is outstanding.
March 7, 2010
[ Team America: World Police]
Puppets doing things you've never seen puppets do before! &nbsp;Crazy songs! &nbsp;Important metaphors! &nbsp;Highly entertaining.
March 13, 2010
[ Capitalism: A Love Story]
Sometimes the connections seem a bit scattershot, but Moore presents a lot of interesting micro and macro stories, as ever edited in an entertaining way.
April 12, 2010
[ Gattaca]
Pretty heavy-handed tale about genetic discrimination. &nbsp;Too heavy-handed, I think, but still interesting.
April 13, 2010
[ Hudson Hawk]
Thief repeatedly gets played. &nbsp;This movie doesn't make much sense. &nbsp;It tries to be kooky, but with only a C effort it doesn't work. &nbsp;Meh.
April 29, 2010
[ Futurama: Bender's Game]
The silliest and most episode-like Futurama movie yet, though the disconnect between the two halves by different writers is pretty obvious.
May 12, 2010
[ The Omega Man]
I enjoy a good loner apocalypse, but the culty plague victims were just too ridiculous an opposition.
May 14, 2010
[ 28 Weeks Later]
Starts out interesting with reconstruction going on, but ends up turning into more crazy running non-zombies.
May 16, 2010
[ The Dark Knight]
Pretty gripping and a spectacle. &nbsp;Continues to make crazy Batman characters seem halfway plausible, though some technology appears to be magic.
May 17, 2010
[ Rambo]
There may be movies with more kills, but I don't know about more giblets; this film is pretty brutal. &nbsp;Seems short, but at least it doesn't overstay its welcome.
May 24, 2010
[ Cloverfield]
Monstrous goings-on in the big city is a great topic for the joe-with-camera filming gimmick.
May 29, 2010
[ Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder]
Solid if not spectacular fourth Futurama movie entry. &nbsp;This is definitely the Wong movie.
June 11, 2010
[ The A-Team]
Action and ridiculousness certainly ramped up with the budget over the TV show. &nbsp;They got the characters pretty right, though, so it's recognizable. &nbsp;Good fun.
June 13, 2010
[ Moon]
Pretty nice. &nbsp;Feels like an old hard sci-fi novel brought to life. &nbsp;Loner on the moon deals with a weird situation that would be spoilery to get into.
June 20, 2010
[ Free Willy 3: The Rescue]
Even a loving dad can be an EVIL POACHER WHO MUST BE STOPPED. &nbsp;Meanwhile Willy willies around.
June 27, 2010
[ Toy Story 3]
Master and slaves contemplate life without each other. &nbsp;Looks like a PS2 game. &nbsp;Ken steals the show.
July 3, 2010
[ The Girl Who Leapt Through Time]
A simple time travel situation turns Twilight Zone, if The Twilight Zone starred Japanese high schoolers.
July 7, 2010
[ Rush Hour 3]
Pretty much what you'd expect after the first two, but slightly more tired.
July 17, 2010
[ Kung Fu Hustle]
Strange movie. &nbsp;The action is Matrix meets Looney Tunes. &nbsp;Starts to get serious sometimes, but it's just tricking you.
July 21, 2010
[ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]
A sort-of-greatest-hits of scenes from the book, but out of necessity it is very chopped and incomplete.
July 22, 2010
[ Hot Fuzz]
Tough cop is transferred to small town; Serious Business ensues. &nbsp;Really quite good. &nbsp;Isn't as ridiculous as the advertising suggests, until it is.
August 2, 2010
[ Speed Racer]
Speed Racer meets F-Zero GX meets the Matrix meets 2001's wormhole sequence. &nbsp;It's not deep, but fun as a Pixy Stix of a movie.
August 8, 2010
[ Stranger Than Fiction]
Blending of fictional boundaries is a topic I enjoy. &nbsp;This film uses it sweetly, without getting too caught up in the oddness.
August 15, 2010
[ The Lost Skeleton Returns Again]
Not as original as the original, but still plenty of good new fun, and does have interesting premises of its own. &nbsp;Hard to rate its rewatchability after one watch.
August 21, 2010
[ Like Mike]
Orphan uses magic shoes to cheat his way to riches and happiness.
August 25, 2010
[ Survival of the Dead]
For a Romero film, pretty disappointing. &nbsp;Too jokey and unpressured. &nbsp;Us vs Us vs Them is there, but the Us vs Us is too wishily-washily handled to get interesting enough.
September 18, 2010
[ The Room]
Bills itself as a black comedy, but it's more awkward drama with inconsistent characters and bad sex scenes. &nbsp;But I could listen to Tommy Wiseau talk all day.
September 19, 2010
[ Dark and Stormy Night]
Not just another Lost Skeleton--everything's still awkward and retro, but in a very different way. &nbsp;It works, though.
September 25, 2010
[ The Forbidden Kingdom]
If The NeverEnding Story and Dragon Ball had a baby, it might be this. &nbsp;A pretty fun time.
September 30, 2010
[ Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole]
It's nice to see PG CG that's not full of pop culture references spoken by aging comics, but this fantasy comes pretty generic and feels extremely rushed.
October 2, 2010
[ Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus]
For such a so-bad-its-funny movie, it's too bad the crazy CG is so spread out and reused over and over and over. &nbsp;And over.
November 28, 2010
[ Hot Tub Time Machine]
Unfortunately the title is about as clever as the movie gets.
[ The Happening]
It's like The Birds without the birds. &nbsp;Brings that big unsettling feeling, but not the character relationships as in a, say, Signs.
[ I Am Legend]
A lot of video gamey CG, &quot;running zombie&quot; type silliness, and still strays pretty far from the source material; but on the whole the film works well. &nbsp;Much better than the ol' Chuck Heston take.
December 4, 2010
[ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]
This is a pretty simple story that they really stretched a bit too much to try and make a 2+ hour epic of it.
December 5, 2010
[ Prince Caspian]
Forget stretching; it feels like half the movie is crazy events from whole cloth to add more conflict between... well, all parties.
December 17, 2010
[ TRON: Legacy]
Hard to peg this one. &nbsp;Unique, but less than the first. &nbsp;Tries too hard to hit the high points of the original. &nbsp;Biggest CG wonder is... Jeff Bridges? &nbsp;And the whole premise still makes no sense.

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