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[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5]]
[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5]]

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


601: '''A Time to Stand''' ''[[1997]] [[September 29]]''
601: '''A Time to Stand''' ''[[1997]] [[September 29]]''
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I was kind of surprised to see Jake going around freely on the station, but... I guess the Dominion aren't running a "harsh" occupation; at least yet.
I was kind of surprised to see Jake going around freely on the station, but... I guess the Dominion aren't running a "harsh" occupation; at least yet.


602: '''Rocks and Shoals''' ''[[1997]] [[October 6]]''
602: '''Rocks and Shoals''' ''[[1997]] [[October 6]]''
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I also couldn't help but notice the Starfleet side only had two characters who weren't regulars or regular guests, and picked them out as dying redshirts pretty quickly.  However, one of the two actually survived.
I also couldn't help but notice the Starfleet side only had two characters who weren't regulars or regular guests, and picked them out as dying redshirts pretty quickly.  However, one of the two actually survived.


603: '''Sons and Daughters''' ''[[1997]] [[October 13]]''
603: '''Sons and Daughters''' ''[[1997]] [[October 13]]''
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So AGAIN Dukat almost tricks Kira into being friendly with him before she realizes it.  She really ought to have caught on to that by now.
So AGAIN Dukat almost tricks Kira into being friendly with him before she realizes it.  She really ought to have caught on to that by now.


604: '''Behind the Lines''' ''[[1997]] [[October 20]]''
604: '''Behind the Lines''' ''[[1997]] [[October 20]]''
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Elsewhere, Sisko gets a "promotion" and just spends all his time worrying about the Defiant boldly going successfully on missions without him.
Elsewhere, Sisko gets a "promotion" and just spends all his time worrying about the Defiant boldly going successfully on missions without him.


605: '''Favor the Bold''' ''[[1997]] [[October 27]]''
605: '''Favor the Bold''' ''[[1997]] [[October 27]]''
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Sisko and hundreds of other ships start to take on a Dominion fleet twice as large, while leaving critical areas of the Federation poorly defended... what sort of deus ex machina will be necessary for everything to turn out alright?  Well, I guess all the Dominion ships could be shittily ran because the Jem'Hadar are running out of their ketracel-white.
Sisko and hundreds of other ships start to take on a Dominion fleet twice as large, while leaving critical areas of the Federation poorly defended... what sort of deus ex machina will be necessary for everything to turn out alright?  Well, I guess all the Dominion ships could be shittily ran because the Jem'Hadar are running out of their ketracel-white.


606: '''Sacrifice of Angels''' ''[[1997]] [[November 3]]''
606: '''Sacrifice of Angels''' ''[[1997]] [[November 3]]''
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So Ziyal... ouch.  And what will become of Dukat?  He can't exactly be an effective Cardassian administrator and Dominion ally if he's a crazy man in Federation/Bajoran custody.
So Ziyal... ouch.  And what will become of Dukat?  He can't exactly be an effective Cardassian administrator and Dominion ally if he's a crazy man in Federation/Bajoran custody.


607: '''You Are Cordially Invited...''' ''[[1997]] [[November 10]]''
607: '''You Are Cordially Invited...''' ''[[1997]] [[November 10]]''
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Martok's wife and the end solution bothered me.  For all that Klingons are always shown to value strength, you'd think Jadzia's not putting up with her shit and fighting back would be considered the "honorable" thing.  Whereas in the end she basically consents to grovel to get her approval.
Martok's wife and the end solution bothered me.  For all that Klingons are always shown to value strength, you'd think Jadzia's not putting up with her shit and fighting back would be considered the "honorable" thing.  Whereas in the end she basically consents to grovel to get her approval.


608: '''Resurrection''' ''[[1997]] [[November 17]]''
608: '''Resurrection''' ''[[1997]] [[November 17]]''

(First watched 2008-07-21)  Long-lost or previously-unknown-of person comes, forms a rapport with someone they sort-of have a connection with, and turn out to be scheming.  We've seen it before and before and before.  The only question is how repentant they are about it in the end.
I'm still surprised that the technology for transporting between the two universes seems to be mature, yet it's used so infrequently; and only in the area of DS9.
609: '''Statistical Probabilities''' ''[[1997]] [[November 22]]''
(First watched 2008-07-28)  Bashir meets his... less successful brothers-in-genetics.  A group of sort of Super Rainmen that begin providing Starfleet with situational analyses and future forecasts regarding the war against the Dominion, which takes a bad turn when they forecast that the Federation has no chance, and the best bet for preventing deaths is either to surrender or help the Dominion win as quickly as possible.  That one of their own group foiled their plan goes far to making the point that, as Dr. Bashir said, if they couldn't even predict what someone in the same room was going to do, shouldn't that cast some doubt on their forecasts for the galaxy at large?
Interesting, but I'm not sure I like Dr. Bashir being the only non-dangerous genetically engineered person... ever.  Khan's group, takes over the world in the 20th century and causes havoc in the 23rd century.  In Enterprise, the offshoot of Khan's group causes havoc in the 22nd century.  On DS9 now, even the group that doesn't seem to want to rule everything almost ends up giving the Federation away because they think it's in everyone's best interest.
610: '''The Magnificent Ferengi''' ''[[1997]] [[December 17]]''
(First watched 2008-08-05)  Weird.
611: '''Waltz''' ''[[1998]] [[January 3]]''
612: '''Who Mourns for Morn''' ''[[199]] [[February 4]]''
613: '''Far Beyond the Stars''' ''[[1998]] [[February 11]]''
(First watched 2008-08-25)
614: '''One Little Ship''' ''[[1998]] [[February 14]]''
(First watched 2008-08-25) A kind of stupid premise... but I appreciate that they handled it about as seriously as possible. And the set design of the circuit board tiny O'Brien and Bashir are walking around on is something totally unique.
615: '''Honor Among Thieves''' ''[[1998]] [[February 21]]''
(First watched 2008-08-27) O'Brien goes undercover, and has to deal with the fact that even criminal operatives involved in ambassadorial assassination aren't ''complete'' scum.
616: '''Change of Heart''' ''[[1998]] [[February 28]]''
(First watched 2008-09-02) Worf so worried about his wife that he abandons a mission which could make a huge difference in an interstellar war? Iiiiiii dunno about that one.
617: '''Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night''' ''[[1998]] [[March 28]]''
(First watched 2008-09-03) Feels like a combination of different things we've seen multiple times before. We get to see occupation Bajor/Terok Nor again. We get to see Dukat's actions as prefect. We get to see the complicatedness of the collaborator issue. We get nonintrusive time travel.
And then Kira almost (intentionally) killing her mother? Iiiiiii dunno about that one.
I realize this is a TV show, but isn't the basis of this story an incredible coincidence? Dukat had a relationship with Kira's mother? It could go a long way to explaining his obsession with her, yes. But unless the earlier situation helped bring about the later one (and I don't think the Bajoran provisional government was taking suggestions from Dukat as to who to put in charge of their newly capture space station), it is absolutely lottery-winning odds that among billions of Bajorans, Dukat ends up connected to both mother and daughter.
618: '''Inquisition''' ''[[1998]] [[April 8]]''
(First watched 2008-09-04)  [[William Sadler|Death]]!!
Bashir, captured by the Starfleet CIA.
Did they really think the Dominion let him escape purposefully so he could act as a spy? But while he was imprisoned, they had him replaced by a ''Changeling operative''! That seems much more useful.
619: '''In the Pale Moonlight''' ''[[1998]] [[April 15]]''
(First watched 2008-09-07) Sisko takes a trip to the dark side, and lets Garak take him further.
620: '''His Way''' ''[[1998]] [[April 22]]''
(First watched 2008-09-07)  Vic was... some hologram.  It's like what TNG's Moriarty could've been if he was fine with being a hologram.  Well, and was a cool lounge singer.
It's quite a feat to put such different types of episode back-to-back.  From dark dealings of deceit to Odo playing on the holodeck and finally pairing up with Nerys.  No danger at all outside of the emotional... no B story at all, really.
621: '''The Reckoning''' ''[[1998]] [[April 29]]''
(First watched 2008-09-07)  Jake looks really nasty all possessed.  I could see him and [[Stargate SG-1|Apophis]] having it out.
Winn is back to being an ass.
622: '''Valiant''' ''[[1998]] [[May 6]]''
(First watched 2008-09-14)  A crew filled with cadets?  This is what some people were worried about for the upcoming pre-TOS film.  I'm also reminded of [[Stephen Ratliff]].
Considering the troubles Nog and Jake used to get into, it's weird seeing an episode start out with them on a runabout trip in professional capacities as a Starfleet officer and journalist.  If they were in a runabout four seasons back they probably stowed away.
I liked that in the future they always take medicine through a hypo, but for visual effect they still had the boy captain popping pills.
623: '''Profit and Lace''' ''[[1998]] [[May 13]]''
(First watched 2008-09-14)  A second episode in a row with a cast primarily composed of minor characters, though at least this time they were recurring ones.
Jeez, they went through a lot of trouble with Quark.  They didn't just have him dress in drag, but had Bashir ''surgically change his gender'' for a one day bamboozle?  I guess it paid off, but it seemed to be going too far.
I like how thanks to the advanced technology at their disposal, heart replacement is spoken of as a routine, safe operation.  Though it makes me wonder why Picard has a fake.  Or maybe Ishka has a fake now, and the wording just didn't make it clear.
So... Rom is a closet cross-dresser?
624: '''Time's Orphan''' ''[[1998]] [[May 20]]''
(First watched 2008-09-14)  Weird.  Since Molly is such a minor character (pun unintended), for a while I thought they'd really use this opportunity to completely change her or write her off.  But I guess in the end Wild Molly pulled a [[Children of Time]] on herself.
625: '''The Sound of Her Voice''' ''[[1998]] [[June 10]]''
(First watched 2008-09-15)  Talking to three years in the past unknowingly... another interesting sci-fi premise.  However, I guess nobody bothered checking the records so as to notice a three year gap from Lisa's story.  Interesting, though, to hear that Starfleet is still sending out those many-year exploratory missions.
The next-to-last Jadzia episode and she's barely in it?  Though I'm sure it wasn't unintentional that they all ended up at a funeral at the end, with O'Brien saying that someday they wouldn't all be there.
B story was interesting.  I thought for a while Jake was going to get in on the illegal doings; an upgraded version of he and Nog's doings back in the day.  But no... just allowing Quark to say it out loud ended up with Odo letting him get away with it.  I suppose it's a good thing we don't know anything about those crystals or why they're illegal--it makes Odo's willingness to let not only Quark but the other wanted man get away with it seem less disturbing.
626: '''Tears of the Prophets''' ''[[1998]] [[June 17]]''
(First watched 2008-09-15)  I just realized that Admiral Ross is played by the same guy who had a recurring role as Carl Winslow's boss on [[Family Matters]].  I don't know that I can look at him as seriously again.
Garak once again on the Defiant?  They really so short on Starfleet that he's needed?  Not that I'm saddened to see him around.
[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5|Last season's finale]] also ended with a comment on Sisko's baseball.  But this time it's not meant to show that he'll definitely be back, but that he might not.  Also, he said "home" referring to Earth.  So much for his fancy speech early this season about how even if Starfleet changed his assignment, when he went home it would be to Bajor.
So Dukat now blames Sisko for his daughter's death... rather than the man who killed her?  Ben hadn't even been on the station for months; he wasn't even involved as far as being one of the new resistance who were her friends.
Worf's now had the mother of his child ''and'' his wife murdered.  And people wonder why he's grumpy.
[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7]]
[[Category:Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Seasons]]

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