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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 1996-2000

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek books

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 1993-1995

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


14:  The Long Night Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch 1996 February


15:  Objective: Bajor John Peel 1996 June


16:  Invasion #3: Time's Enemy L.A. Graf 1996 August


17:  The Heart of the Warrior John Gregory Betancourt 1996 October


18:  Saratoga Michael Jan Friedman 1996 November


Trials and Tribble-ations Diane Carey 1996 December


19:  The Tempest Susan Wright 1997 February


20:  Wrath of the Prophets Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, and Robert Greenberger 1997 May


21:  Trial by Error Mark Garland 1997 November


22:  Vengeance Dafydd ab Hugh 1998 February


Far Beyond the Stars Steven Barnes 1998 April


The Dominion War, Book Two: A Call to Arms Diane Carey 1998 November


The Dominion War, Book Four: Sacrifice of Angels Diane Carey 1998 December


23:  The 34th Rule Armin Shimerman and David R. George III with Eric A. Stillwell 1999 January


24:  Rebels, Book One: The Conquered Dafydd ab Hugh 1999 February


25:  Rebels, Book Two: The Courageous Dafydd ab Hugh 1999 February


26:  Rebels, Book Three: The Liberated Dafydd ab Hugh 1999 March


What You Leave Behind Diane Carey 1999 June


The Lives of Dax various (short stories) 1999 December


Millennium Book One: The Fall of Terok Nor Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 2000 March


Millennium Book Two: The War of the Prophets Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 2000 March


Millennium Book Three: Inferno Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 2000 April


27:  A Stitch in Time Andrew J. Robinson 2000 May


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 2001-2005