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Star Trek: The Next Generation books 1996-2000

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek books

Star Trek: The Next Generation books 1991-1995

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


38:  Dragon's Honor Kij Johnson and Greg Cox 1996 January


39:  Rogue Saucer John Vornholt 1996 March


40:  Possession J. M. Dillard and Kathleen O'Malley 1996 May


41:  Invasion #2: The Soldiers of Fear Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch 1996 July


Kahless Michael Jan Friedman 1996 July


42:  Infiltrator W.R. Thompson 1996 September


43:  A Fury Scorned Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski 1996 November


Star Trek: First Contact J. M. Dillard 1996 December


44:  The Death of Princes John Peel 1997 January


45:  Intellivore Diane Duane 1997 April


Ship of the Line Diane Carey 1997 October


46:  To Storm Heaven Esther Friesner 1997 December


The Best and the Brightest Susan Wright 1998 February


Planet X Michael Jan Friedman 1998 May


47:  The Q Continuum Book One: Q-Space Greg Cox 1998 August


48:  The Q Continuum Book Two: Q-Zone Greg Cox 1998 August


49:  The Q Continuum Book Three: Q-Strike Greg Cox 1998 September


Triangle: Imzadi II Peter David 1998 December


Star Trek: Insurrection J. M. Dillard 1998 December


50:  Dyson Sphere Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski 1999 April


51:  Double Helix, Book One: Infection John Gregory Betancourt 1999 June


52:  Double Helix, Book Two: Vectors Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch 1999 June


53:  Double Helix, Book Three: Red Sector Diane Carey 1999 July


54:  Double Helix, Book Four: Quarantine John Vornholt 1999 July


55:  Double Helix, Book Five: Double or Nothing Peter David 1999 August


56:  Double Helix, Book Six: The First Virtue Michael Jan Friedman and Christie Golden 1999 August


57:  The Forgotten War William R. Forstchen (and Elizabeth Kitsteiner Salzer) 1999 September


I, Q John de Lancie and Peter David 1999 September


58:  Gemworld #1 John Vornholt 2000 February


59:  Gemworld #2 John Vornholt 2000 February


The Valiant Michael Jan Friedman 2000 April


Genesis Wave, Book One John Vornholt 2000 September


Star Trek: The Next Generation books 2001-2005