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Star Trek Online names

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Procht, Federation engineer.  Procht is a default name I use across many games.

Procht's profile

Crewmembers.  Most of these I just used the first letter of their species name and went with something proper-noun-sounding.

Volex the Vulcan.

Triaza the Trill.

Balth the Bajoran.

Grif the Andorian.  This one doesn't follow that pattern; not sure why I went this way.  Griff from Back to the Future Part II?

Froogle the Ferengi.  I like this one.  Apart from the F thing, Froogle is what Google used to call the service it now calls "Google Products".

Main ships.  Since ships named after cities seemed to make sense, I named my main ships after my Animal Crossing towns, which themselves were mostly named after people I knew.

Illucia.  An old Final Fantasy website/forum named after the disappearing town from Final Fantasy V which has since been called Phantom Village or Mirage Village.  This was my secondary town for GameCube Animal Crossing.

Kafnburg.  Named after Keith Kaffenburg, this was my primary GameCube Animal Crossing town.

Daeland.  Named after Daelan Teeters, this was my Animal Crossing City Folk town.  Out of order since it came after the DS game.  OOPS.

Roberton.  Named after Jeff Robertson, another Animal Crossing Pioneer from back in the GameCube days.

Bradleigh.  I ran out of Animal Crossing town names I've actually used, so this is my planned name for the 3DS game if it doesn't have a silly 8 character limit.  Named after Brad Uhrig.

Other ships.

Squirrel Creek.  A runabout.  The runabouts on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were named after the rivers of Earth.  This is a creek down the road from where I like.


ProQt, KDF engineer.  This is meant to be a Klingon variant of Procht, and the internal capitalization also makes it resemble ProTH, a Procht precursor.

ProQt's profile

I wanted my people and ships to have names that would at least appear to fit in as Klingon.  In the end, other than my character name I ended up using a different fictional alien language as the basis: Goa'uld from Stargate SG-1.


Kel'pak.  A holographic science officer, this is Goa'uld for "Where are you?"

Tal.  A security officer, this is Goa'uld for "Die".

Shal'tai.  An engineering officer, this is Goa'uld for "Soon".  As in, "When will those repairs be done!?"

Main ships.

Shol'va.  Goa'uld for "Traitor".
