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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1

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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

SPOILERS TOTAL. You've been warned.

101: This Could Be a Real Adventure 2024 December 2
(First watched 2024-12-03) I love the initial setting. Star Wars needed some suburbs too. Though I am curious about the planet's recent history. They seem to have a very set system in place of pencil pushers and training kids to be the next pencil pushers, but at this point it's only like a decade after the fall of the Empire, right? So either this place wasn't heavily affected by the change in government or these systems aren't as long in place as they seem like they are.

Got a good laugh out of the weird dancers from the Holiday Special. Haven't checked but for the moment I'm assuming that was just old footage and they picked their shooting angles to match it here. (Later update: Nope, the original footage was too limiting and low def, so they had to recreate it. Nice effort!)

I'm... kind of surprised that ship took off at the end. When they found it there were plants growing through it and rats living in there, so it didn't seem like it had been sitting there very protected from the elements.

102: Way, Way Out Past the Barrier 2024 December 2
(First watched 2024-12-04) OK, some real mysteries apparent in this one. First, everyone thinks their planet At Attin is some sort of myth. Combine this with the planet having a big barrier that prevents a view of the galaxy, strict rules against going outside of the barrier (or even places in the woods, it seems), that they use Old Republic credits that are considered valuable elsewhere... yeah, something is up with the planet, but what? One might theorize whoever's running At Attin is totally lying to the planet, but they're at least telling the truth about the current political situation re the New Republic, willing to share things like stories about old Jedi, etc.

Second, Jude Law's pirate dude is also Force-sensitive? Hmm.

Not a mystery, but hey, there was Jaleel White!

103: Very Interesting, as an Astrogation Problem 2024 December 10
(First watched 2024-12-12) So At Attin is a planet hidden since... long ago. The kids don't seem to know about the galactic civil war, though they're aware of things like the Jedi... still very mysterious.

So Jod is definitively not a Jedi, but still seems to be a legit Force user. They mention ways someone can fake moving things, but he hasn't exactly had time to prep such things at arbitrary locations.

Enjoyed the misfit droids being powered up. Battle droid: "Did we win?"

104: Can't Say I Remember No At Attin 2024 December 17
(First watched 2024-12-26) So the coordinates were... mostly right. Based on the information known, they got sent to one of the sister planets. Some Fallout reminders here. One, for showing a ruined version of a familiar sort of location. Two, for the very familiarities. Like each of these planets has a Supervisor's Tower that nobody's allowed into, following common plans like the Vaults have Overseer's Offices.

Before unlocking 33's memory, they seemed to give up a bit too quickly, I think. Yes, the At Attin coordinates were destroyed, but that still left them with several other "At" coordinates to try out, which might be in a less shitty state, or have intact At Attin coordinates.

So I may be misidentifying, but some of the equipment on At Achrann looked prequel era to me. This at first confused me as in the previous episode I heard "jewels of the Old Republic" and was thinking thousands of years ago, like the Old Republic comics and games. But really for people existing early in the New Republic era, the Old Republic lasted until just a few dozen years ago. So were these At planets fine until nearly Imperial times, at which point they either got wrecked like At Achrann or successfully hid themselves away like At Attin?

105: You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates 2024 December 24
(First watched 2024-12-28) OK, it was definitely more than a few dozen years. SM-33 and the ship that crashed came _after_ the other places got wrecked, and that crew had plenty of time to rot on At Attin.

Jod may not be a Jedi, but some of the advice he was giving Wim definitely sounded of the Jedi. Another ex-padawan? It's becoming a bit cliche at this point, but it absolutely makes sense there'd be a number of them who slipped through the cracks.

So At Attin, and presumably the other lost planets, were the mints of the Old Republic. So it makes sense the money the kids had were Old Republic credits. But what is the planet's role now? Are they really isolated from the galaxy? Or if they have some connection to the outside, with who and for what purpose?

Wim activating the lightsaber upside down after building it up like a heroic moment was a pretty good bit.

106: Zero Friends Again 2024 December 31
(First watched 2025-01-02) Good episode, and I think finally one that made good use of the kids. We sort of got introduced to them, they got in trouble, then were stuck in the situation of following Jod's lead... but now back on their own. And split up into different pairs than they came in as.

The Onyx Cinder is interesting. Star Wars has over the years had a lot of fun with the Millennium Falcon treating it like a hunk of junk, but it's really a highly modified and highly capable craft that's just occasionally got problems because it's been so... improvisationally customized. But the Cinder is a proper piece of junk that's been disintegrating for... centuries? And now being forced into use again. I'm still not exactly clear on what went on at at the end, there. That... hull disintegration system or whatever? It still seems quite functional if different afterward, like it was shedding an outer skin... but you don't just have purposeless outer skins on space ships. So did they lose a lot of hull strength, shielding, what?

107: We're Gonna Be in So Much Trouble 2025 January 7
(First watched 2025-01-09) Now that we're so near the end and many things are clear... the handling of Jod is quite interesting. It seems he's the main antagonist in the end, but we're not clear on that being the case until these last few episodes.

So whatever's going on on At Attin, it is something the adult populace knows about. Still not clear what their continuing role is hoarding a bunch of Old Republic credits, though. I did notice they had 1139 vaults which is extremely close to one of the standard Star Wars/Lucas references of 1138. I wonder if one of the vaults is lost next episode.

The parents each running with the communication device as they in turn get stunned, good scene.

108: The Real Good Guys 2025 January 14
(First watched 2025-01-16) OK! I think they really stuck the landing here. The beginning of the series nailed the "domestic Earthy suburbs" feel, then we've been on a Star Wars adventure through space, and now this episode smashes them together in a satisfying way, with the kids believably putting their new skills to use fast since they're the only ones who understand what's going on.

So Jod was neither an Order 66-fleeing padawan nor a faker, but a "Dark Times" padawan like Ezra Bridger, but for whom things didn't turn out so well. So... is Jod the closest thing we have to an anti-Han Solo figure? Han Solo starts off a rough character with uncertain loyalties looking for pay and reward money, but it turned out he has a soft spot for his friends and helping the little guy. With Jod we were introduced to a down-on-his-luck failed pirate apparently helping some kids in their adventure so he can find his way to a lost treasure... but when push came to shove the kids were just a means to an end, that he was willing to threaten and endanger for his own enrichment.

So the Supervisor was much like a Fallout Overseer. Not in that they were intentionally playing tricks on the populace or anything, but they were a droid who didn't even really understand what was going on either. Apparently the last thing At Attin heard from the Republic was about the Jedi being traitors, so end of Clone Wars times. Did the Republic/Empire just lose track of them? Maybe they were really out of touch for much longer (as with the other At planet that had fallen on hard hard times), but were only receiving wide broadcasts going out to everyone? Though in that case I'd still have expected them to hear a little something new in the last 30+ years.

So the show isn't guaranteed a new season, but sounds like they're interested in one. With what happened to At Attin in general there's a lot of consequences for potential stories, though ones that directly involve these four kids again seem like they'd have to be a bit more contrived. But hey, that never stops Stranger Things.

Just how populated is At Attin anyway? We only saw one city, but... there is a whole planet there. The pirates were taking people prisoner, but they definitely weren't prepared to take a whole planet population prisoner, so what were they going to accomplish by taking over a suburb? But maybe pirates just aren't that bright.

Oh yeah: Droid designers! Don't make a droid the size of a room that can be killed by a single stab in the "eye"! What the hell are you thinking?

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 2