Last 5 Pages Viewed: Stargate Infinity

Stargate Infinity

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SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


401: The Decision 2002 September 14

(First watched 2008-05-20)  Not exactly good, but I'm watching this series more out of a sense of franchise completeness than out of ever hearing this show was good.

Weird to see a few familiar sights and sounds in this crazily different context, though for the most part this future technology is much wackier looking than anything they use on the present-day shows.

So they think that uhh... that worm is an Ancient?  That doesn't make much sense with anything known about them past very, very early SG-1.

I like the goofiness of how prepared the gate room was to field a weekly action team, with a jetpack, motorcycle, ATV, and uhh... other generic combat vehicle ready to go.  Speaking of prepared, the SGC didn't seem prepared for any kind of a threat.  A force attacks, and the response is little more than a few cadets?

So that sneaky shapeshifter guy opened the iris, but did he also dial the gate?  It seemed he was going to, but if so the orc guys went the wrong way through the wormhole which would be a big no-no.  If they dialed in, either their timing was impeccable or they'd been constantly retrying in anticipation.

This week's forced lesson: It's better to make a decision and deal with the consequences than fail due to inaction.


402: Double Duty 2002 September 21

(First watched )
