Last 5 Pages Viewed: November 8 » BurntPork » Harryballs » Ghost Dead » Tony HoTT

Tony HoTT

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I don't have much to say about this guy.  But I had to quote this.


WTF people talk about E3 shit all ****in year after it happens. This is a terrible idea. It forced everyone to get their act together and bring their best shit to the show. Plus it would give us a glimpse first hand at what we could expect from the upcoming generation. Not only that but it was as good a place as any to show off where the industry is heading for consumers, developers, etc. Now we're gonna have these pussy ass one-sided events for companies like EA and any time we read about a game we're interested in it will be based off these events and we won't know what to do.

<nowiki>**** man.</nowiki>

Also **** you fat mediocre game writers/journalists or whatever. E3 is ****ing 3 days and I don't give a **** how much you had to work during those 3 days. You ever been to space!? I have, and I didn't sleep for like 4 days and i got sick up there! **** you fat bitch ass writers. You're hating on E3 now, but this event closing down will probably lead to a lot of you guys who cover this event getting fired. HAHA!

<nowiki>****in losers.</nowiki>

(07-30-2006, 04:26 PM EDT)