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Um Jammer Lammy

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{DAYSSINCEBIRTH(birth=1999-03-18,birthphrase=JP PS1 release)}{DAYSSINCEBIRTH}

{DAYSSINCEBIRTH(birth=1999-08-17,birthphrase=NA PS1 release)}{DAYSSINCEBIRTH}

-Live at the Roxy

Shortly after release, Sony held a promo concert at the Roxy in New York City for journalists.  Most of the voices and musicians behind the game appeared and performed songs from both this game as well as PaRappa the Rapper.  They had a webcast (not sure if video or only audio options), but with a good ol' modem I could not listen to it very well consistently.  Off and on in the years since I have looked about to see some archived version of this, but no luck.  Such a thing cannot just have gone down the collective drain of nerddom, could it?  This is the Internet!

-My get story

I THINK I preordered this one online, but at any rate I got it very shortly after release.  And when I did... well, it's probably the first time I completely demolished a game in one day.  By the time I'd gone to sleep that first night I'd gone through all 37 stage variations: Lammy Solo, Parappa Solo, Lammy Rammy Cooperative, Lammy Rammy Battle, Lammy Parappa Cooperative, and Lammy Parappa Battle.  Of course, all the Cooperative and Battle stages are just twists on the Solo stages so that skill transferred right over, but still.


MobyGames entry

Wikipedia entry