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Weekend at Bernie's - TV Show

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Based on the series of movies:

1989's Weekend at Bernie's  IMDB

1993's Weekend at Bernie's II  IMDB

I've got several ideas for different routes a TV show in this franchise could take:

Continuation: This would be a direct continuation of the series, with Richard and Larry continuing to have misadventures with Bernie's corpse.  Unless they discover a hell of a preservative, though, this might work best as a miniseries where they have to occasionally deal with some new aspect of Bernie's rotting.

WB-1: Name inspired by Stargate SG-1.  In this take on things, Richard and Larry have become known to the right people for their skills with Bernie.  This puts them at the core of a secret team who must complete important missions with the aid of the recently deceased.

Anthology: Each episode would present a new situation with new characters, but of course the running theme is someone(s) trying to convince others that a corpse is still alive.

Reality: This would be a competitive show.  Small teams of people would be assigned a "corpse", which would probably need to be someone very skilled at doing nothing.  These teams would then try to perform various tasks, with the winning team either being the one to complete the most tasks with their corpse, or the ones to last longest without some unknowning bystander making a ruckus about the dead body they're dragging around.