Jordan Krotke
Jordan Ann Krotke
Jordan likes to do math meeting, and likes Sandy on Spongebob Squarepants. She has friends.
I like Kelsey.
Easter and Santa message April 8, 2007:
I wish that Kelsey could come over to my house tomorrow night. Santa is good. I like Santa's reindeer. Kelsey is one of my favoritest friends in the whole wide world. The end.
May 12, 2007
My name is mother and I like that protective freezer lining on top of the ice cream to keep it safe and tasty. Hehe hoho haha. I do not know what else to say but this is the end. atahh ckckckck. The big black bug bit the big black bear and the big black bear bled blue blood. [Blood.] How could there be such thing of blue blood? FEELINGS Frustrated I set my head on the wall. I just started throwing stuff all around. And my toys. Frustrated. By Jordan K.