The Daily Show 2008: Difference between revisions

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'''09-03''': More [[Sylvester Stallone|Stallone]].
More Daily Show News Team coverage of the [[Larry Craig]] bathroom.
"Guantanamo Bay isn't a prison, it's a leadership academy."
Great piece on Fox News hypocrites.


'''09-04''': Pro... decision Republicans.


'''09-05''': Jeeezus, Bush & McCain separated by 8 years, but not much else.
John McCain: Reformed Maverick


'''09-15''': Jason Jones in Daily Show Nights... beating up [[Larry King]].


'''09-16''': Nice "Crash of the Titans" image.  Medusa with snakey arrows.
Ahaha, balded Aasif.  Can't financially analyze with hair.


'''09-17''': Singing correspondents.
Drilli Vanilli?


'''09-18''': Acknowledging economic trouble is bad, working like the Wile E. Coyote theory of gravity.
[[Tony Blair]]!?


'''09-23''': Economic problems: the turd icing on this administration's shitcake.


'''09-24''': Lack of access to [[Sarah Palin|Palin]] proves her a successor to [[Dick Cheney|Cheney]].


'''09-25''': Clusterf#@k to the Poor House.
John McCain: The only man who can impulsively overreact to something ten days old.


'''09-29''': 2 candidates 1 cup... yuck idea, Jon.
John Oliver... pundit who happens to be a Nazi.


'''09-30''': Angry-at-ineffectual-Congress Jon!
[[Karl Rove|ROVE]] complaining about hyperpartisanship?


'''10-01''': Couric & Palin in... Gams and Gammer.


'''10-02''': Jon is confident in Palin due to... [[Bronson Pinchot]]'s trapeze skills.


'''10-06''': Jones goes to Wasilla.


'''10-07''': Oh, stupid voters.
Stephen with a "You likea da juice?"!


'''10-08''': [[Michelle Obama|Mrs. O]] seems much more comfortable than months ago on [[The Colbert Report 2008|Colbert]].
