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Ideas and Thoughts: Super Mario RPG 2

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First, I'll address the issue of size. SMRPG had 30 or so areas to go to, of varying size. SM64 had about 20 areas in it's 64 Mb. If we use about the same ratio for 64DD, leaving a full 16 MB for saved games, we get 120 or so areas. So if the sequel was to have 30 or more areas of varying size, they could easily be 50% longer in each dimension than the SM64 ones. And where some areas (towns) would be smaller, that extra space would go to the larger places (forts and whatnot). Also remember that multiplying SM64 by that much ALSO multiplies the music, enemies, textures, etc., so there's plenty of room for stuff. But I do thing SMRPG2 should be a cart-DD combo (read some of my DD thoughts). What would be kept on the cart would be the engine (of course), and the things that would be used most commonly in both games, such as beds, basic enemies, townspeople, etc. Some of the things on the DD would most likely be duplicated in the sequel, but there would be plenty of room for game-specific data. For example, new bosses, new textures (especially for 'new' areas), new sounds, etc.

Here is how I envision the controls. You'll move with the analog, A,B, & Z. (I think the engine will be a mix of SM64 and SMRPG) To change camera angles, you'll use the D-Pad. Why not the C buttons, you ask? Well, in the original, the battle depended on the 4 buttons X,Y,B,A, and it just so happens these C buttons are placed perfectly and in the right spot for this purpose. I know you could use them outside of battle, but then you wouldn't be able to change your angle in battle, eh? Yeah, I know the controls are different in & out of battle, but best to keep them as similar as possible. Also, using those buttons would allow you to move the camera just a little bit. Wasn't it annoying when in SM64 you wanted the camera to be in between two you could get it in?

Now on to what is different in the actual game. Well, first of all, make it longer! That was the original's biggest flaw! If you weren't a huge Mario fan (as I myself am), it would be a much better game to just rent for a few days, because you can easily beat it in that much time. That doesn't include all the hidden stuff, though, unless you're using a FAQ or something.

One thing that was in the original that I hope for even more of are the "other" things you can do. Chase beetles up a hill, swim, ride barrels, ride a cart in a mine, play Beetle Mania, compose music, etc. This could be so much cooler with the N64. On the cart engines for the other sub- games could be there. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a racing thing? Using a stripped-down version of a Mario Kart-type engine, or at least those controls, in the SMRPG2 environment. Not to mention the kind of things you'd do in SM64, like the slides, racing (on and off slides), etc.

There were plenty of secret (or at least not accessible without going out of your way) things in the game, too, such as the hidden casino, helping a guy grow a beanstalk where you get special items, etc. These things are always fun to do in a game.

Maybe in this game you could get a job!?! In the original, if you stayed longer than you were supposed to at the deluxe suite, and couldn't afford it, they made you a bellhop to pay off your debts. This could be a neat way of making money, if nothing more than a temporary diversion. Work part-time at a shop, deliver items to the shops, protect someone on their way through a monster-infested path, etc. Do a bad job and you're fired, and they won't hire you again, since it'd be permanently saved on your 64DD record. I mean, depending on how good you did at one job, it could determine if you are able to get a better job (y'know, contacting your old employers and all).

More Nintendo characters should be in the game, too. Link and Samus were found in bed (no, not together!) in the original, not to mention fighting rendered Kongs. Wouldn't it be cool to find some people from other games, such as StarFox or Banjo-Kazooie (yeah, these guys are newbies, but if all goes well...). And the cool thing is, since they're each already in polygonal form, it wouldn't be that hard to put them in the game. I mean, they wouldn't have to go and render them special, like they did in the original, to make them fit in. Oh, I know! Some mushroom kid could have an N64, and if you went up to it, you could see a little something. For example, maybe see Link swinging his sword. Maybe not, but it's a thought. Or maybe that wouldn't be the place to actually see the characters, but you could read the titles of his (or her) games.

Oh, I thought of something. Y'know how in the original, at this one point Mario turned into his 8-bit self for a few moments? Maybe something like that could happen in this game, but it would be something more comical. Like he talks to a beautician, and she makes him look younger. :) Maybe this wouldn't actually turn him into the 8-bit bitmap (cuz that'd be hard to work around in a 3D game), but it could change his textures, and you'd be able to tell.

Does everyone remember the Dream Cushion in the original game? Well, it could be expanded upon. There were a few basic dreams in there, where there were sometimes minor changes in them. They should be more random and entertaining! Random surroundings (that you've been to,), people (that you've met,), quotes (that you've heard), etc.! Perhaps it'd let you walk around your dream or something. That would be awesome!

In SMRPG you were able to buy a GameBoy from one youngster (though it was evidently some great GB graphics!), and you play a game called Beetle Mania (having nothing to do with a Beetle Anthology). It was a pretty cool game. Well, for an easter egg, that is. Maybe in here you could get more games for your system. :)

One thing about the game that should definitely stay is the humor. It was great when after "miming" things to explain to people what's happened many times, they do this for a kid, and he says "Nope, you lost me.". :) Or when Bowser joins. Um, I mean, when he lets YOU join the Koopa Troop.

The battles might be somewhat similar to the 3D battles in FFVII or Wild Arms for the PlayStation, but they should at least be made so it's easy enough to do your Timed Attacks, and things like that. I know that due to the way SMRPG battles work, a speed meter or something of the kind wouldn't work, but perhaps some indication as to who's going to go next in the battle (friend or foe), perhaps an arrow over their head, or something like that.

I know SMRPG2 won't be the same, seeing as how it's not the same people (Square, that is) making it, but I'm hoping they can get it to be just as fun and entertaining as the original, or any other N64 Mario game, for that matter...

Oh, one last thing: PLEASE let it be named Super Mario RPG 2 (or II) instead of Super Mario RPG64. I think the numbering system is a lot more important to RPGs than it is with many other types of games. I think the same should go for Earthbound. They've already screwed up Zelda's chance for a numbering system. At least Link to the Past wasn't called Super Zelda, eh? :)

One word: Luigi .