Last 5 Pages Viewed: Images/date/200804


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Another simple aid to the "Hey, how come there are still bars when watching this movie on my widescreen?" question.  Not all wide is the same width.  Or rather, at the same width not all are the same height.


A picture of Obama reminded me of a bit in Back to the Future, so I attempted to make his hand transparent.  AniHawk's followup with Obama rocking on the guitar was much cooler, though.


Somebody was talking about the graphical woes of Mario Kart Wii.  I thought it was a very important and sad issue.


My high tech cell phone!  I bought this for $3 or something a few years back for novelty.


Another simExchange thumbnail, this time about Wii passing GameCube.  The original of this actually got quite a lot of attention; Kotaku mentioned it and from there it was referenced by sites as big as 1UP and as foreign as sites whose names I can't remember because I don't read those languages.


A picture of a woman with a huuuuge stomach reminded me of Joe Camel's face, so I made it so.


Part of a discussion on how Obama and Clinton were doing versus each other in the "big states".  I took the biggest whose primaries had come and gone, minus Florida and Michigan, and looked at what each got; treating the sum of their votes as 100%.


WE. ARE GOING.  TO DIE.  :(  from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  My initial hope was to get it avatar-sized, but any file size smaller than this started to look really bad.  So it's just useful for its funness, without getting to be the bandwidth hog of the larger similar GIF I've seen elsewhere.


I heard Jeremiah Wright was writing a book, so I made a cover for it based upon Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!).