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NeoGAF Topics

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Since the search is imperfect, I thought it might not be a bad idea to link to notables for future reference.


06-22  <nowiki>[</nowiki>Nintendo Direct<nowiki>]</nowiki> 3DS XL (90% larger screen, same res, better battery)

06-05  RUMOUR: Wii U specs leaked?

06-05  Nintendo E3 2012 Conference Thread

05-20  Rumor: New Wii U controller (analog sticks)?

04-27  Rayman Legends: Leaked Wii-U Trailer

02-25  Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 confirmed for Nintendo DS


12-16  Nobunaga's Ambition X Pokemon announced (DS, 2012, SRPG, Koei Tecmo X Nintendo)

12-16  PlayStation Vita Japanese Launch Thread

12-02  Xenoblade coming to the U.S. via Gamestop Exclusive

09-07  "Back to the Future" Nikes might be real after all

09-06  Nintendo announces 3DS Control Expansion Pack, details in OP, STOP POSTING SCANS

09-05  Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online (Wii/WiiU, 2012, Sub Fee Likely)

09-01  Star Trek Online - Going Free to Play

08-22  Rumor: 3DS to get right analog stick dongle, relaunch 2012 w/ new name

08-22  George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

07-28  Nintendo 3DS Price drop thread (169 USD, 15k yen, 250 AUD, ~£130, 169 EUR)

06-19  Wii 2 is Wii U

06-06  Playstation Vita = TWO HUNDRED FORTY NINE US DOLLARS ($249)

05-22  PSP Remaster Series Announced for PlayStation 3

05-03  Kotaku Posts New Project Cafe Rumors (No Hard Drive, 8 GB Flash, 25 GB Discs, More)

04-25  Wii 2 (Project Cafe) Thread 2: Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012

04-14  Multisite Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; way more powerful than PS3, HD Touch Screen Controller

03-18  River City Ransom sequel coming to consoles summer 2011, PC 2012

01-27  PSP2 (Next Generation Portable) Announced, 2011

01-23  Nikkei: PSP2 to sport 3g connectivity, OLED touchscreen


06-15  Nintendo 3DS Revealed <nowiki>[</nowiki>N-CONF<nowiki>]</nowiki>

06-14  E3 2010 Sony Conference

06-14  E3 2010 Nintendo Conference

03-23  Nintendo 3DS Announced: New 3D handheld (no glasses!), reveal @ E3, out by March 2011

03-10  Sony GDC 2010 Press Conference (PS Move, PSWii Sports, PSWii Boxing, PSWii Party)

02-29  PS3 CALENDAR BUG FIXED. READ OP - now I can play Bakugan Battle Brawlers, thank God

02-18  Gamepro April 2010: "The Story of NeoGAF"

02-04  Sonic the Hedgehog 4 announced - Wii/PS3/360; downloadable episodic release

01-27  AVATAR surpasses Titanic to become the highest-grossing movie OF ALL TIME

01-12  It's Over. Conan quits The Tonight Show...Jay taking it back? (barf)


10-26  new 4" DSi model to be released within this year in Japan


09-24  Nintendo drops the Wii price

09-22  Sega accidentally leaks minutes of meeting with SCEA - PS2 emulation & more discussed

08-18  Slim PLAYSTATION 3 "OFFICIALLY" (finally) Announced!

07-29  Concept Artwork For "Epic Mickey"

07-13  Dragon Quest IX sells 2,343,440 copies in the first two days

06-25  RIP Michael Jackson 1958-2009

06-02  TRUE 1:1 3D Sony Remote Discussion

06-02  Final Fantasy 14 Online announced. PS3/PC Exclusive. 2010! Art Director Yoshida!

06-02  E3 2009 Nintendo Conference Thread

06-02  Super Mario Bros. Wii? (plus a Sin and Punishment 2's booth image!)

06-01  Project Natal - controller free gaming on 360

06-01  E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread

05-31  The Official E3 2009 Thread (June 2-4) of Everything's already leaked ;)

05-30  PSP a GO!?

05-29  EGM is coming back. For serious.

05-14  Slim PS3 ...good fake or...

05-06  RIP Duke Nukem Forever. 3D Realms to close

01-06  1UP sold to UGO/Hearst. EGM gone. 1up show & podcasts gone. 40 1up/EGM employees gone


12-18  Pretty much confirmed - Free Radical have been Hazed

12-09  kermit.gif: Dragon Quest Press Event in Japan <nowiki>[</nowiki>DQIX = 28/3, 5980yen, DQX = Wii<nowiki>]</nowiki>

10-02  Ninteno officially announces DSi

10-02  Official Nintendo Oct 2 Conference of Tears, Fears and Cheers (9:30PST)

10-01  Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time announced (Wii/DS)

10-01  report: Wii HD in 2011 with 'significant' graphical overhaul

09-27  Next Nintendo DS: Camera, Music Playback and confirmed by Nikkei

08-28  Square Enix Planning to Acquire Tecmo

07-19  Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii) revealed in new Nintendo Power

07-14  E3 2008 Sony Conference

07-14  E3 2008 Nintendo Conference

07-14  Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

07-14  Nintendo reveals Wii MotionPlus -- 1:1 motion control add-on

07-14  E3 2008 Microsoft Conference

07-10  E3 2008: The Thread (central information aggregate, see OP)

07-03  Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

07-01  Chrono Trigger DS! -An enhanced port, not a remake.

06-29  So, the hotdog eating contest is Friday...

06-26  Mega Man 9 - CONFIRMED for WiiWare! Time to clean out yo fridge!

06-11  Limbo of the Lost stole from Oblivion, Morrowind, UT2K4, Diablo, Silent Hill, more?

06-03  Itagaki leaves Tecmo, sues Tecmo president

06-01  Why hasn't it been done? Standard game genres with a rhythm backbone

05-09  Official Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Rottenwatch/Reviews

05-05  GAF Wii Homebrew thread: Homebrew, emulators, USB disc installs! Easy tutorial!

04-11  Dan Hsu leaves 1up

04-07  Microsoft's answer to the Wiimote

02-25  Phil Harrison resigns from SCE Worldwide Studios to join Atari?!

02-24  EA proposes to buy Take 2 for.... TWO... BILLION... DOLLARS..!! (AHUAHUAHUAHUA)

02-20  WB fast-tracks live-action Akira movie. A certain GAFer is involved.  Hint: It's Gary Whitta.

01-26  Videogame facts that blow your mind

01-24  80gb PS3 discontinued at Best Buy (probably everywhere)


12-31  Japan WII/PS3/X360 Sales Charts  Updated frequently.

12-13  Final Fantasy IV Official Sequel Announced. . .for CELL PHONES. Megaton, no--POOPTON

12-07  Wolverine gives us his O face and Dr.Evil wins at the Internet

12-06  Street Fighter IV: 1up/EGM Info (3d graphics, 2d game)

12-02  Vivendi and Activision merge to form Activision Blizzard

11-30  Wii Fit Japan launch photo and impressions and tantrum thread

11-30  CNET websites * Eidos games will be filtered from NeoGAF in protest

11-30  Penny Arcade 11/30/2007 Jeff Gerstmann fired from Gamespot, allegedly for K&L; review

11-12  Official - NPD to continue to provide HW numbers (NeoGAF's reaction FTW!)

11-06  No more hardware NPD data for the public

10-18  Confirmed: 40GB PS3 hits U.S. November 2nd for $400, 80GB gets $100 Price Drop

10-17  Okami coming to Wii. For real.  Was rumor, then confirmed.

10-17  ¡¡¡¡¡ Street Fighter 4 announced !!!!! (and Dark Void, and Lost Planet PS3, and more)

10-13  Tim Rogers: "they've (Nintendo) set us (gaming) back a generation WAAAAAAH"

10-12  David Braben - "BioShock and Halo 3 are not examples of "next-gen" games"

10-11  EA To Acquire BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios

10-10  Nintendo wins exclusive deal for Capcom's Monster Hunter 3

10-09  Yes, Virginia, there IS a Tuesdayton! FE DS! MONSTER HUNTER...WII? SONIKU IN SUMABURA

10-07  Free Adventure Games - The Official Thread of Wonder and Amazement!!

10-05  SCEE Officially Announces 40GB PS3 for €399, lowers 60GB Starter Pack price to €499  Confirmation.

10-05  Official: MS and Bungie evolve to new longterm relationship  Confirmation.

10-03  What do higher tech processors add to gaming now?

10-01  Bungie and MS breakup, says GI, custody of manbabies yet to be decided  Rumor.

09-24  PS3 40GB Euro Doggystyle Edition™  Rumor.

09-21  Sega says Sonic/Mario Olympics will sell 4 million copies

09-19  WEDNESDAYTON PT 3 or: How sony fans stopped worrying and learned to love the bomba  Sony TGS 2007 Keynote

09-10  Why Did The PS3 Fail?

08-06  Japan DS/PSP Sales Charts  Updated frequently.

07-18  NeoGAF, did I just get called out by Microsoft's JEFF BELL?!

07-17  It's official: Peter Moore Leaving Microsoft! ($550k salary, $1.5M signing bonus, &)

07-13  RIP 60Gb PS3

07-12  Washington Post: "Nintendo Is Star of E3 Show as Rivals Scramble to Catch Up"  Meltdown.

07-11  Official E3 2007 Sony Press Conference Thread

07-11  Official E3 2007 Nintendo Press Conference Thread

07-09  Official E3 2007 Microsoft Press Conference Thread

05-22  Smash Bros. Brawl Dojo Official Update Thread

03-28  So uhm  Amir0x vs Mom

03-28  Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii & NDS) announced


12-27  <nowiki>[adult swim] Tim And Eric Awesome Show: Great Job (Yes, That Is The Full Title)</nowiki>

12-10  DQIX TO DS. DS WINS NEXT GEN WAR! (DQ gets cash cowed!)

11-18  Ultimate Awesome Wii Virtual Console Discussion

11-14  Japan PS3/Wii/X360 Sales Charts  Updated frequently.

10-16  So What Are Your Wii Launch Plans?

09-14 Wii Nov 19th and $250

09-06  PS3 delayed until March 07 in Europe (100k JPN/400k US @ launch)

08-13  Realistically, what are the chance of Wii Sports to become a big hit ?

07-07  Why did Capcom only make 7 copies of Castlevania:Dawn of Sorrow?

05-26  New Super Mario Bros. sells 480,000 on the first day (Japan)

05-13  Come and laugh at drgakman GAKMAN intuits Miis, GAF disagrees.

05-10  Smash Bros Wii: First Details! Super Smash Brawl!

05-05  Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

05-05  Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

05-03  Ubisoft E3 Lineup - Rayman to be Wii launch title, first pic

04-27  Final Revolution Name Announced: Wii

04-16  I propose that for the next month, I eat nothing but tuna

03-29  IGN reveals SOME Revolution specs!

03-12  Goodbye GAF! (P.S. I'm Drinky Crow)

02-26  I hate m0rphix

02-26  The Love of Olimario's Life in the Nude


12-24  Pictures of my gaming-setup...  Gahiggidy's game room.

12-06  Matt-IGN says Rev specs tonight (OH SNAP - SPECS REVEALED - UNDERPOWEREDTON)  Renamed: The Last-Stop-Speak-In-Hyperbole Official Revolution Specs Thread

10-25  Revolution "complete failure" if we fail to outsell Gamecube

09-15  Revolution Controller Revealed

08-26  The all-singing, all-dancing Revolution speculation and/or news thread.  Went until reveal of controller.

07-02  Dreamcast Coming Back 2009

06-21  My Nintendo Revolution Controller Concept DrGAKMAN's not split controller

05-18  THURSDAYTON.  Believe.

04-26  Drinky Puppy colored dancing bananas thread(40/40 lol)

03-23  My Conceptual Controller Doodle DrGAKMAN's split controller

goodcow's pre-NeoGAF archive