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Doing his best Monorojo impersonation:


Are you serious?

Non games are just the Japanese version of MySpace. Lots of people are doing it, but pretty soon they'll come to their senses and start buying real games again.

When you take all the non games out of the picture, the DS is doing quite ordinary. Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Brain Training - these are shrinking the market, not growing it. You know the market is growing when third parties are in on the profit. Here, they aren't. You have a perfectly good game like Children of Mana, which has been ignored. On the PSP, it is scientifically sound to suggest that the game would sell one million copies. On the DS, it's being outsold by an english dictionary game.

Consider this. A company (lets say Fox) releases a movie called "Computer Trainging: The Future" which shows people how to type, use a mouse, use Word, etc. This movie winds up making $30 million a month - for the entire year. Is this a good thing for the movie business? No. Instead of going to see the big time movies like Superman, X3, and Basic Instinct 2, people are seeing a low budget instruction video. This would ruin the industry over time.

Likewise, the DS is having a similar effect on the gaming industry. Quality games are being ignored by consumers, who instead are buying freeware for $50. This sends the message that consumers don't want real games, meaning more non games will be produced. If Nintendo has its way, franchises like Final Fantasy, Mario, and MGS will be no more.

(05-25-2006, 02:58 PM EDT)