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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 2006-2010

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek books

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 2001-2006

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


Warpath David Alan Mack 2006 April


Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers James Swallow 2008 April


Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison 2008 May


Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison 2008 June


Fearful Symmetry Olivia Woods 2008 July


The Soul Key Olivia Woods 2009 July


The Never Ending Sacrifice Una McCormack 2009 August


Typhon Pact Book 1: Zero Sum Game David Mack 2010 October


Typhon Pact Book 3: Rough Beasts of Empire David R. George III 2010 December


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine books 2011-2015