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The X-Files Season 7

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The X-Files

The X-Files Season 6

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


701: The Sixth Extinction 1999 November 7


702: The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati 1999 November 14


703: Hungry 1999 November 21

We've seen "monsters" of this type before--some sort of mutant human with a weird need they get from feeding on other humans. What sets this one apart is that the episode is shown from his point of view, and makes him sympathetic by showing his struggle to resist his urges before he realizes they're too strong.


704: Millennium 1999 November 28

As an X-Files episode it's kind of a big deal. Literal zombies rising from the dead, which Scully flat out sees and does not forget by the end of the episode. An apocalypse seemingly averted. And the protagonists kiss.

As a Millennium story... ehh. It really oversimplifies the membership and methods of the Millennium Group if it really boils down to the handful of individuals present in this episode. Doesn't really offer closure in that regard. A few nice Frank Black moments, and that's about it. It doesn't even show Frank's ability to see visions, which I assume was to keep things simple for people who hadn't watched any Millennium.


705: Rush 1999 December 5


706: The Goldberg Variation 1999 December 12


707: Orison 2000 January 9

Weird to see The Walking Dead's Hershel without a beard.

As a sequel to the previous episode with Donnie Pfaster, I think it takes kind of an unfortunate turn. Originally he was one of the show's few instances of a guy who was a real dangerous nutball, but without anything particularly paranormal about him. Here they make it clear that's not the case.


708: The Amazing Maleeni 2000 January 16

Now this is a fun episode all around.


709: Signs and Wonders 2000 January 23


710: Sein und Zeit 2000 February 6


711: Closure 2000 February 13

Once again the episodes focusing on the show's overall story fails to excite. The name and episode ending would seem to indicate this is the end of the "What happened to Mulder's sister?" storyline, but it raised more questions than it answered and what supposedly happened didn't make much sense--or at least have a decent enough explanation that made sense within the world of the show.


712: X-Cops 2000 February 20



713: First Person Shooter 2000 February 27

Oh man, what a turd. Bad tech. Bad gaming. Bad gender relations. Bad Mulder and Scully as dudebros.


714: Theef 2000 March 12

Unremarkable standalone horror episode.


715: En Ami 2000 March 19


716: Chimera 2000 April 2


717: all things 2000 April 9


718: Brand X 2000 April 16

The Big Tobacco, genetic engineering, unintended consequences parts I can go with... but the bugs becoming so super that their eggs can not only survive being processed into cigarettes, but survive being BURNED as part of the cigarettes and then traveling in the smoke... that's a hard sell.


719: Hollywood A.D. 2000 April 30

A very split episode, but both halves were decent. The mystery of the catacomb bombing on one side, the movie loosely based on it on the other.

So I suppose the bulk of this episode takes place in season 6, not long after they got put back on the X-Files? Otherwise the timing doesn't really work out.

This is probably the least serious Pileggi has ever got to play Skinner--he's not usually around in the comedic episodes.


720: Fight Club 2000 May 7

The premise of doppelgangers having weird effects was interesting... but the end reason they were so identical and had weird psychic effects was... that they were half-siblings? Errrr.


721: Je Souhaite 2000 May 14

I love how tickled Scully is by the invisible corpse, even if by the end of the episode she's not sure it really existed.


722: Requiem 2000 May 21

Being a semi-series-finale, I like how they bring back a lot of stuff from the pilot.

Smoking Man is apparently dead... again. But on a show like this you can't trust a death to be real even if you see the body decompose.


The X-Files Season 8