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The X-Files Season 6

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The X-Files

The X-Files Season 5

SPOILERS TOTAL.  You've been warned.


601: The Beginning 1998 November 8


602: Drive 1998 November 15


603: Triangle 1998 November 22


604: Dreamland 1998 November 29


605: Dreamland II 1998 December 6


606: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas 1998 December 13


607: Terms of Endearment 1999 January 3


608: The Rain King 1999 January 10


609: S.R. 819 1999 January 17


610: Tithonus 1999 January 24


611: Two Fathers 1999 February 7


612: One Son 1999 February 14

This goes for both parts of this two parter... okay, this is where the "mythology" really lost me. I've been watching the show at an accelerated pace, and I must imagine that many people who were watching the show as it originally aired were even more confused than I ended up, trying to keep track of all the moving parts. Here lots of things come to a boil, but... there's just too much to remember how it all relates to and who are the more dangerous people and why they're doing what they're doing and viruses oil half-breeds conspiracies cigarettes sons fathers abductions rebels bounty hunters yada yada bla bla bla. I give up.


613: Agua Mala 1999 February 21


614: Monday 1999 February 28


615: Arcadia 1999 March 7


616: Alpha 1999 March 28


617: Trevor 1999 April 11


618: Milagro 1999 April 18


619: The Unnatural 1999 April 25


620: Three of a Kind 1999 May 2


621: Field Trip 1999 May 9


622: Biogenesis 1999 May 16


The X-Files Season 7