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Why I like Queen

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Partially, it is due to my parents enjoying them, and thus being exposed at a young age.  However, that doesn't mean I still frequently listen to Kool Moe Dee's Wild Wild West.  So why Queen?

1.  Freddie Mercury is the job.  For the most part vocalists just don't stick out to me, but this man's range does.

2.  The guitar work, mostly attributable to Brian May.  I enjoy well-done electric guitar, and Queen has this in many flavors.  It can really sound beautiful.

3.  Variety.  If it wasn't fact and that I'd recognize the voice, I wouldn't have guessed the same band that made "Keep Yourself Alive" and "Ogre Battle" was also be the band responsible for "Seaside Rendezvous", "Killer Queen", or "Crazy Little Thing Called Love".

I just find it all so fun and listenable.